In this year, I have learnt Object-Oriented programming paradigms in this module, Python is a new language to me because i learnt Pascal programming language in my secondary school life. Luckily, both programming language is easily to learn and more readable compare with other programming language, like C++ or Java. So i can easily understand the concept of Object-Oriented programming paradigms. However, it’s difficult to use it, i always face some problems when i’m working on the child class, especially the multi-level of Inheritance. It’s a bit challenging to me, but it’s interesting, The super method allow programmer to use sub class to get __init__ method from super class.
To conclude, there are different programming paradigms, like Procedural programming, Logical programming, Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming. Python are using Object-Oriented Programming paradigms and many popular programming language are using too. So i think it’s very useful because I can save a lot of time and space when i’m using one of the concept of Object-Oriented Programming paradigms - Inheritance. The other concept of Object-Oriented Programming paradigms are hiding information, polymorphism, class, object. The main target of Object-Oriented Programming paradigms is to combine the data and function together, it also help me to add other function or program easily and faster. Programmer can inherits the methods and the code from the primary class.